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Bassaddicted 07-22-2011 12:38 PM

Cookie issue
hey jeff,

Nice plugin btw. :D

WordPress vBulletin bridge has a cookie issue i think (not 100% sure)
if you got to try all browsers usually does it in opera, firefox & IE lol haven't seen it happening with google chrome or safari.

Any ways when someone comes on the site has a guest a the top right of the website we have a (username)|profile|logout Area and the username area usually has some random person's name there usually "Liam" or Frank with this issue a person can Post a comment with ever signing up or doing anything & a different name shows up .

to display the persons name i use in the header

global $current_user; echo $current_user->display_name;
I know it's vbBridge since if we turn it off the issue disapears.

p.S i'm using the latest Version

Thank you in advance jeff.

keep up the great work :D

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