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Kibs 07-04-2012 02:41 AM

VBridge Mapping/Attributing posts to incorrect user
A strange problem I've run into is that it seems like some wires are crossed when it comes to attributing WP blog posts to the correct person.

Comments on WP are being attributed just fine, so I'm not thinking it's the user mapping, per se. We don't have an author section, either, so it's not like it REALLY affects anything in the long run.

Though, as a note, I should mention that all of the attributees are incredibly old inactive-for-years forum members who don't have WP accounts and deleting the user from VB removes the author on the WP post altogether.

Jeff 07-04-2012 07:37 AM

Kibs 07-04-2012 10:55 PM

Ooops, guess I missed that. I apologize, lock/delete this thread if you see fit

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