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rraplee 04-24-2011 08:58 PM

Considering moving to the new version.
Hey Jeff,

First off let me start by thanking you! Your product is amazing.

Ok, so I've been using WP/VB Bridge for a long time. I'm currently running the old version with WP 3.0 and VB 4.0.4. I've only had a few hiccups but even though it's not supported, it's been working for about a year.

I recently noticed you picking the project back up and I'm considering trying to migrate over to the new version. I don't want to do this if there is a chance of something breaking since my site is very big. We have over 48,000 members. I'm even afraid to update my WP and VB right now.

We primarily use it for the automatic posting from WP to VB, the user integration, and the commenting. If you're interested in checking out the site, PM me. I'd rather not post the URL here.

So in short, can you think of any issues we might have with moving to your new version?

Jeff 04-25-2011 08:01 AM

The main differences are:
  • automatic posting from WP to VB
  • Using VB threads for comments
Those are no longer features of the current version.

rraplee 05-05-2011 09:47 PM

Jeff, do vB users simply post comments like a normal WP user then? Or are comments just not supported?

Jeff 05-06-2011 11:15 AM

They post just like normal users.

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