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wacnstac 06-21-2011 05:22 PM

Bridge installed, can't make wp posts as vb user
So I have version 10.0.8 of the bridge installed with WP 3.1 and vb 3.8.4. I login to vb first with my vb username and password, then I proceed to the wp front page and it greets me with my correct username (so far so good). Then I go to make a post with this username and WP prompts me for a WP username and password. Obviously this U/P combination does not exist, so I am not successful in making a post. Any ideas? I do have the plugin enabled.

Jeff 06-21-2011 07:05 PM

Did you map the users as the instructions noted?

wacnstac 06-21-2011 07:10 PM

I did originally and did it again today just to make sure.

wacnstac 06-21-2011 08:48 PM

I went through these steps again just to make sure everything was ok

PHP Code:

Go to Settings -> Vbridge Settings

Enter the RELATIVE path to your forum
.  Once you click submit you should see this message above the submit button:

"Vbulletin has been located and is loaded into memory" 

And everything looks fine. I get the "loaded into memory" message.

wacnstac 06-21-2011 08:55 PM

When I login with my test user account in vb, then go to my wp installation, it shows the test user account name at the top of wp with "add new", "comments", etc, but when I try to add a new post for example, I get taken to the Word Press login screen and of course WP knows nothing about that username, it's a vb username.

wacnstac 06-21-2011 08:58 PM

Some more information. When I redo my "map users", I get:

Options saved.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/msports/public_html/mscms/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge/vbbridge.php:35) in /home/msports/public_html/mscms/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897

Jeff 06-22-2011 07:52 AM

Sounds like you have a plugin in vb causing issues, but if you set display_errors to off in your php.ini file you should be all set. That should always be off in a production environment.

Jeff 06-22-2011 08:06 AM

Also, did you turn integration on in the script by uncommenting this line?


#define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);

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