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mrps2man 09-29-2011 05:19 PM

Vbbridge 500 Error on Wordpress Posts with Comments
Hi guys,

I recently installed vbbridge so we could get tighter integration between our VBulletin forum and Worpdress page.

On all Wordpress posts on which there are comments posted and approved, I now receive a 500 error with no useful error reporting information. All other pages work fine assuming there are no comments to load for that page.

Additionally (and I have no idea if this is related) when I enabled error reporting in vbbridge.php, I receive the following notices from PHP on pages that work:


Notice: Use of undefined constant action - assumed 'action' in /home/canadapo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge/vbbridge.php on line 29

Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/canadapo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge/vbbridge.php on line 29

Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/canadapo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge/vbbridge.php on line 37

Notice: Undefined variable: install in /home/canadapo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge/vbbridge.php on line 47
VBulletin is the latest v3.x.x release and Wordpress is updated to 3.2.1

Has anybody seen any issue like this before or have any idea as to what could be causing this? I'm not a PHP expert but can usually get around okay. I have very little to no experience with VBulletin, however, so it's kind of painful trying to troubleshoot this one!


Jeff 09-29-2011 06:08 PM

I would check the servers error log to nail down the real error.. You server should not be spitting out notices or errors to the browser btw..

mrps2man 09-29-2011 06:46 PM

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the reply! Yeah, it definitely shouldn't spit errors out in a production environment, but I temporarily enabled error reporting in vbbridge.php to see if I could get anything out of it.

I did just figure out what caused this issue, however. After looking through the code and realizing that vbbridge does a lot of work with avatars, I disabled all WordPress plugins that had anything to do with avatars. In the end, it solved the 500 error.

Of course it broke something else we needed that for on the site, but in truth, VbBridge is more important than the other thing.

Thanks for the help, keep up the great work, and I'm really sorry to be such a pain with something so simple!


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