Well, the plugins only gives you access to the pre-existing WordPress defaults for roles and capabilities, allowing you to edit or expland them. The plugin isn't creating anything that's not already part of WordPress.
(Somewhat unrelated side note: The vBBridge shares some variable names with Rolescoper, so the two can't co-exist. I have to use the alternative Members plugin to access roles/capabilities easily.)
I believe vBBridge is somehow blocking the ability for WordPress to make if/then decisions based on user roles and capabilities. It appears to be the case. Shortcodes that determine if content can be displayed, based on user role or capability, is ignored. Only 'logged in' vs 'not logged in' shortcodes are working. For some scenarios, that's not granular enough.
How does the bridge translate the vbusergroup to the wp_role+wp_capabilities? I don't think 100% of the role data is being passed to the comparable vB map.
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