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wacnstac 03-22-2011 09:33 PM

So what does this new version add? I thought bridging in users from vb to wp was not going to be supported anymore. Does this mean the latest version will let me map user groups from vb to be post contributors? If so this is great news!

Jeff 03-23-2011 06:46 AM

It is experimental but seems to be working. One of the main problems with integrating into the admin area of WP is that they do not use the same methods to get usernames/ids/perms throughout so I find myself constantly patching this and that.

It does appear to be working though.

wacnstac 03-23-2011 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 411)
It is experimental but seems to be working. One of the main problems with integrating into the admin area of WP is that they do not use the same methods to get usernames/ids/perms throughout so I find myself constantly patching this and that.

It does appear to be working though.

This is awesome news! I look forward to trying this out soon. Can we send you money to support this hack?

Jeff 03-24-2011 06:33 AM

Thank you, but I plan on keeping this free for the foreseeable future.

wacnstac 03-24-2011 07:49 AM

Well we are using this for a commercial venture so it's only fair.

Jeff 03-24-2011 07:54 AM

Well, so are we. :P

Who knows, someday it may go commercial but I just do not have time for that. When people pay for something they deserve better support than I can currently offer.

Much of the current development is subsidized by SocialKnowledge so I am technically not doing it for free. SK has been generous enough to let me release the new work freely since I brought a good portion of the code myself with me when I joined them. We use Wordpress quite a bit in our ventures and that software is free, so this in turn supports that community.

In the end we get what we put into it. :)

wacnstac 03-24-2011 09:42 PM

Well this version of the plugin looks very, very promising. I installed it, the vb integrations does work mapping correct user permissions over...... but whenever I enabled the vb integration by uncommenting out the line

PHP Code:

##define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true); 

to enable the vb bridge to the wp cp, I loose the WP GUI visual editor. This is totally repeatable. If I recomment that line back out, I get the GUI back.

If this one last thing could be fixed, or if you could point me in the right direction Jeff, I'd be golden.

Jeff 03-25-2011 08:43 AM

I am working on this for the next version. Basically the issue is, rich editing is not defined because the user is a VB user. You can hard code this in the current version by finding these lines in vbbridge.php:


    $user->wp_capabilities = $wp_roles->roles[strtolower(get_option('vbb_vbugroup_' . $vb->userinfo[usergroupid]))]['capabilities'];

    $user->ID = $user->userid;

ADD this line AFTER the above:


$user->rich_editing = 'true';
What I plan on doing is adding this option (and probably more) in the vbridge user settings menu so the admin can set the default settings.

wacnstac 03-25-2011 10:13 AM

Works like a champ! Thanks!

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