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03-13-2011, 08:19 PM   #1
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Cool Mapped vB Users Overwriting/Altering WP Users

Hello Jeff,

First off let me say how very happy I am that you're working on this, and that you've been allowed to make it accessible to us all. I know you're busy, so whenever you can get back to me is good.

Linus box over at DreamHost.

Using latest WP build with vB 3.6.8; I know that's not technically the supported vB version, but so far everything's worked smoothly. The only weirdness is the fact that the two users I had in WP, it's a new site to soon replace the current one our community uses, were overwritten/altered after I mapped the users from vB.

Both users were pretty much identical to the vB versions, even using the same emails, and I would have chalked it up to that, except one users actual username was changed into a user on the forum that has no relation to them.

Example: WP User#1, bobtern, was changed to username Bob Tern; that's not really an issue, as it's the same person. WP User#2, eddierock, was changed as well, but this time to username Francis Drake. Francis Drake is a username from vB, but it's not Eddie.

There's no other list of users in the WP user list, but I'm thinking they don't show up there from vB. Both existing users in WP can use the correct user/pass they have for vB to log in (Eddie uses his vB user/pass, not Francis'). It's just the username fields in WP for them show the vB usernames, with one being incorrect.

If you need any other info let me know, thank you.
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03-14-2011, 05:35 AM   #2
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The user list will only show you WP users. It does not integrate in that manner. When you fully enable the bridge (meaning you uncomment the code so it works in the admincp), WP users for all intents and purposes do not exist anymore. Sure, they show up here and there in the WP control panel but for the end user viewing the site, they should no longer be seen.

So old WP user id's will line up with VB user ids. You need to edit posts and point the author to the VB user equivalent using the screen options.
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03-14-2011, 05:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
The user list will only show you WP users. It does not integrate in that manner. When you fully enable the bridge (meaning you uncomment the code so it works in the admincp), WP users for all intents and purposes do not exist anymore. Sure, they show up here and there in the WP control panel but for the end user viewing the site, they should no longer be seen.
Gotcha, and commenting that code out again should return the WP users back to normal, correct?

Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
So old WP user id's will line up with VB user ids. You need to edit posts and point the author to the VB user equivalent using the screen options.
The thing is, when I go to edit a post, there's three users. One is, apparently, synced, but the other two are duplicates. However, the one who actually makes the post is the vB user, and his name doesn't show in the front. I can change it to the other version of him, which I gather is the WP one, but that's not real solution.

Edit: I went ahead and removed the WP user that was pulling the wackiness. This still leaves the issue of any vB user bridged who puts up a blog post won't have a name attributed to that post.

Last edited by Esoteric_Monk; 03-14-2011 at 05:11 PM.
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03-14-2011, 05:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Esoteric_Monk View Post
Gotcha, and commenting that code out again should return the WP users back to normal, correct?

Originally Posted by Esoteric_Monk View Post
The thing is, when I go to edit a post, there's three users. One is, apparently, synced, but the other two are duplicates. However, the one who actually makes the post is the vB user, and his name doesn't show in the front. I can change it to the other version of him, which I gather is the WP one, but that's not real solution.
If you have enabled VB users into the WP control panel, then the only users you see in the drop down are VB users that belong to the administrator, editor, author WP groups (mapped to those groups).

If you are using an older template, you may have to look at the latest version of the stock template to see how they derive the author name currently.
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03-14-2011, 05:28 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
If you have enabled VB users into the WP control panel, then the only users you see in the drop down are VB users that belong to the administrator, editor, author WP groups (mapped to those groups).
I see, so it's not a question of the main user list, it's a question of the author drop-down menu when Quick Editing a post. That's where I should see all vB users that have been mapped correctly.

Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
If you are using an older template, you may have to look at the latest version of the stock template to see how they derive the author name currently.
This could be where my issue lies, then, as I'm using the BuddyPress Plugin with a BuddyPress template. It's a great template with a high degree of customizability; I'll have to remove it to see if that's the main cause. Thank you, Jeff.

Edit: Confirmed, it's the template.

Last edited by Esoteric_Monk; 03-14-2011 at 05:34 PM.
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03-15-2011, 07:22 AM   #6
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You can probably just compare them to the new templates and make simple changes to make them compatible. Not sure where but I can't imagine it be too hard trace back the differences.
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03-15-2011, 08:03 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
You can probably just compare them to the new templates and make simple changes to make them compatible. Not sure where but I can't imagine it be too hard trace back the differences.
Will do, thank you, Jeff.
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