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07-19-2010, 07:18 AM   #1
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Rsync backups with Rsnapshot

We all know (or should) the importance of backing up your data. Trusting your hosting company to keep accurate or manageable backups is risky. There are times when their backups do not work properly. Even if they are working, many times you cannot restore just the data you need, but you must restore it all.

Rsnapshot uses the rsync binary to keep multiple snapshots of your data. By using symlinks it will only download new/changed data so you can have many "snapshots" of your data with only using a fraction of the storage space of other methods. If you need a configuration file from last month, you can easily find it in your backup. You can save multiple snapshots a day/week/month so you can go back to many different states of your data and pull the information you need.

All I can say is that it has saved my bacon a few times!
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